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Dual Enrollment

Earn college credits in high school for FREE!

Dual Enrollment

A  Dual Enrollment (DE) course is a college course taken in high school during the high school day that will earn a student credit towards high school graduation and college units. The courses are offered during the regular school day. Typically, this model has district high school teachers, who meet minimum qualifications, teaching for the community college as instructors on the high school campus. However, there are some courses that are being taught by Sierra College instructors on our campus.

Concurrent Enrollment

In addition to courses taught on WPUSD campuses, students have the option to independently enroll in specific college courses through the Sierra College Academic Enrichment program. These specific courses will allow students to earn both high school credits and college units.

Dual Enrollment Courses


SC English 1A
SC Intro to Sustainable Ag 196
SC IT 90
SC IT 100

Intermediate French 2A
Intermediate French 2B

SC English 1A
SC ALH 0020: Intro to Allied Health 
SC HSCI 0003: Medical Terminology


Concurrent Enrollment Courses

Approved concurrent enrollment courses


American Government - POLS 0001
Principles of Macroeconomics - ECON 0001A
Western Civilization since 1715- HIST 0004B
History of the United States since 1865 - HIST 0017B
Elementary Statistics - MATH 0013
Elementary Spanish - Level I - SPAN 0001
Elementary French - Level I - FREN 0001
American Sign Language I - DFST 0001
Two-Dimensional Design Foundations Art 0002
Three-Dimensional Design Foundations Art 3
Drawing 1 Art 0004A
Color Theory Art 0006C
Ceramic Sculpture/Handbuilding Art 0017
Raku Ceramics Art 20
Ceramics I ART 0018A
General Principles of Psychology - PSYC C1000
Introduction to Sociology - SOC 0001